<strong>From the developer of BeatBeast, Gen-Y Pad, and DubPad.
<br/></br></strong><strong>Introducing Zeus™ Music Strobe Light; a new music, beat, and light experience. </strong>
Zeus™ Music Strobe Light</br></strong> is the first to turn your phone into a strobe light / flashlight that listens to the music around you and flashes accordingly.
<strong>Unlike conventional strobe lights, Zeus™ Music Strobe Light has a visually engineered UI with an inbuilt visualiser and 3 modes for your flashlight: </strong>
↪<strong> Clap Mode:</strong></br></br></br></br></br>
Clap and your flashlight will come on, clap again and flashlight will go off! The use cases are endless. Go creative.
↪<strong> Music Mode (Strobe Light effect):</strong></br></br>
Switch this mode on and watch your flashlight turn on and flashlight turn off according to the music. This mode follows a consistent tempo so that you can enjoy your music completely. Use this mode for strobe light functionality. You can change the delay, making the strobe light faster or slower.
↪<strong> Beat Mode <strong>(Strobe Light effect)</strong>:</strong></br></br>
Similar to Music Mode, Beat mode turns your flashlight on and flashlight off according to the music, except it uses a mathematical calculation that attempts to identify percussion in the sound or music. It gives you more control over <strong><em>Music Mode.</em></strong> This mode is experimental and uses an inconsistent tempo, making it versatile. Use this mode for strobe light functionality. You can change the delay, making the strobe light faster or slower.
<em>We're are working on new features and our updates are sure to enhance your experience.</em>
<strong>Take control over each mode with the additional settings provided for each one of them; change the flashlight delay (affects strobe light), the decibel threshold and sensitivity (both affect the responsiveness of the strobe light to the music)</strong>
Like us on Facebook for more: <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbit.ly%252FZeus%25E2%2584%25A2App%26sa%3DD%26sntz%3D1%26usg%3DAFQjCNE24NZ358ThcXSWuXkcpfUdDXw1mA&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGTkePZmMsvGMkto3OblvwKVKSR-g" target="_blank">Zeus™ Facebook Page</a>
Contact us by mail: <a href="mailto:tozeus-android@gmx.com?Subject=Zeus™">Zeus™ Email</a></br></br>
Check our complete portfolio of apps: BeatBeast, Gen-Y Pad, DubPad, DubPad-R, Xeus Neon, and Xeus Twilight also available for download!